Are you ready to pivot?

If you are an adult with ADHD, I’m here for you. I am your partner in creating a personalized path towards the life you want, filled with less struggle and more joy.

If you want to feel empowered, educated, and like you know where to go, and what to do to advocate for you ADHD child, this is for you. Parenting kids with ADHD (especially if you have ADHD yourself) can be TRICKY to say the least. This is the course I wish I’d had as an ADHD mom to my neuro-spicy kids twelve years ago.

Click here to learn more

Want to know what to do next and stop spinning your wheels on ALL the priorities. Are you feeling invisible after making room for everyone in your life but you? That’s my jam. I walk alongside you with empathy and curiosity as we create a path together for more meaning, fulfillment and joy.

Click here to learn more about the process.


What People Are Saying

  • ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a condition that makes access to executive function difficult and the sometimes seemingly simple tasks associated with it arduous. Executive function encompasses things like the ability to plan, prioritize, organize, initiate tasks and also emotional regulation. Persons with ADHD tend to have lower amounts of dopamine, which is the "happiness" neurotransmitter, and less blood flow to the frontal lobe, which is the area of the brain in charge of executive function.

  • Because people with ADHD often grow up getting in trouble more, or having to work incredibly hard to keep their behavior socially acceptable, a deep sense of shame can develop. So, when a rejection is felt, even though it might seem small or trivial to others, it sits on top of a large accumulation of past rejections and triggers a feeling of not being good enough. Because the typical methods that work for neurotypical individuals often don't work for those with ADHD, being handed more methods that worked for others can often exacerbate the feelings of rejection.

  • There’s a gap between acquiring knowledge and then being able to put it into action. And, not every action works for every person. Especially for individuals and families with ADHD in the mix, knowing where to start can often feel overwhelming. I work with my clients to help them realign what is most meaningful and important to them with the actions they take.

    The reason working together with a coach can be life-changing is because our brains are wired to keep us “safe”, not necessarily happy or fulfilled. Your brain is working hard to keep you doing what you’ve always done, even if it’s not serving you. I come alongside you with curiosity and empathy to open up new mental connections and pathways. Together, as a team, I work with you to discover the road blocks getting in your way, and create unique, tailor-made solutions to move forward.

    As a life coach I get to create a safe space to explore your own life, and see and utilize the intelligence, creativity, and bravery inherent within that has likely been forgotten or minimized. In that space, growth and movement can flourish.

Frequently Asked Questions